What I wish I knew earlier in my career:
✅Keep track of your measurable impact on projects and stuff. Write it down. Email it to yourself. Whatever. You never know when you’ll suddenly be up for a promotion or… be laid off. Your mind will go blank from the stress and you’ll wish desperately that you’d written things down that you need to suddenly speak to in an interview. Document.
✅Your ideas for making your work and workplace better are not crazy. Ideas you come up with from the front line are rejected by corporate higher-ups because of fear or ignorance a lot of times. Push your ideas fwd citing studies and whatnot because execs probably won’t trust the idea coming from “just” you but they’ll listen if it seemingly is supported by other with suits & MBAs.
✅Take credit for your own work. Speak up at work about your accomplishments. Make sure your boss’s boss knows that you’re awesome. Stop giving your credit away to other people because you’re “nice”, or insecure. Most folks are more than happy to take your credit that you’re freely giving, and won’t return the favor. And they’ll get paid more.
✅There’s no prize awarded for whomever hoarded their PTO the most. Just take it. It’s OK if you can’t afford a plane ticket; spend a week sleeping in if nothing else.
✅It’ll get better. Hard times don’t last.
original post by Emily Mucken